Wednesday, April 30, 2008

'See the world, let special interests pay, Schwarzenegger urges lawmakers'

See the world, let special interests pay, says the Governor.

Put that on a bumper sticker and drive it.

How does Obama get in trouble for stereotyping small town American but the Governor can say this about small town California:

"Some of them come from those little towns, you know what I am saying, they come from those little towns and they don't have that vision yet of an airport or of a highway that maybe has 10 lanes or of putting a highway on top of a highway," Schwarzenegger said. "They look at you and say, 'We don't have that in my town. What are you talking about?'

True as it might be, you can't just go around SAYING those sorts of things. Oh wait, someone did make the Obama-rhetoric connection:

Assemblyman Anthony Adams, a Republican from the mid-size city of Hesperia (population 83,000), said Schwarzenegger's comments, "while I'm sure well-intentioned, reek of a certain elitism that doesn't help foster a cooperative working relationship."

This part is true too, but if we really went with it, we'd have to disband the FPPC and that would just increase unemployment:

"I am always against when the media beats up on [lawmakers] for traveling around because someone else is paying for their trips," he said. "I mean, so what. If they were to take the money from the taxpayers, then [the media] would complain about using tax dollars to travel around the world and live in luxury and all this stuff.

Monday, April 28, 2008

We're weird, as voters

The Supreme Court's ruling upholding Indiana's voter ID law hurts youth voters, or so say the bloggers and activists, apparently.

Make no mistake, I am against impediments to voting, but is this really a huge barrier?

We, as a nation, make comments about sending people to war to protect our freedom, our right to vote. But we don't want to have to put forth too much of an effort - get an ID card, remember to carry it with us.

Weak. Plain weak.

How times change

I could have sworn I remembered reading the opposite not so long ago, but apparently, a poll now shows Clinton winning over McCain. I thought she was the sure loser in that match-up.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

'Stop the drama, vote Obama'?

A great quote from a blogger just repeated on MSNBC, but will that plea to superdelegates work?

Outspent in OH and PA, Clinton still seems to win in the booth - shouldn't that mean something?

Are we wishing we were careful about what we wished for now - since we don't have a nominee? I'm sorry I talked so much smack about Iowa and New Hampshire - maybe you guys should've picked the nominee like usual.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Maybe They Should Have Retired

Two women in their 70s lured homeless into giving up personal info, took out life insurance on them and then killed them.

Just when you thought LA was getting boring with the standard gang violence and hold-ups.

I don't know if you can blame this one on video games.

Silly French People, Just Eat More

Earlier this week, France tried to ban 'inciting extreme thinness'.

The new bill would allow judges to imprison or fine offenders almost $50,000 if found guilty of "inciting others to deprive themselves of food" to an "excessive" degree.

So far, everyone in France is still skinny.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Appropriate for other reasons, too

Charles Gibson just said that a quotation from the Constitution on presidential duties was appropriate because they are at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

Maybe it is more appropriate since a woefully small number of people have read the Constitution and are familiar with the actual job description of the position for which these two people are arguing.
