Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Philosophy Conference

Top philosophers from around the world are gathering in Glendale. The conference will continue today and will focus on key issues like what exactly does a philosopher do? And has that even been a job in like the last 100 years?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Kids Get Country Lessons

A farmer, miner, fisher, rancher and firefighter came to Roosevelt middle school to talk to students about Montana: a crazy land with open sky and cows and a lack of tall buildings. The kids were skeptical.

On this trip to the Los Angeles area, Vincent is taking the rural visitors to Disneyland to give them a taste of urban entertainment.

“It’s a real shock for me to come to California,” Lorang told a group of seventh-graders at Roosevelt.

It's a shock for anyone to come to Disneyland.

“Do you have electricity there?” asked Gevorg Aroyan, 12, after seeing a photo of Lorang’s house and her adjacent barn.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Will Santa Monica Ever Get a Rail Line?

The Expo Light Rail project, which was suppose to run from downtown LA to Culver City, isout of money.

Apparently, no one counted on inflated inflation rates.

Three stations are planned for Santa Monica. And I'm sure the three people who were counting on LA area public transportation will be devestated.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Today's Events: Quick Links

If you didn't get up in time for the Eaton Cannon Bird Walk this morning, you'll just have to catch it next month.

If you're into Opera, well I feel bad for you. But also, you'll want to check out both The Intimate Opera's Gala and Opera Pasadena's "Kaleidoscopes" at the Pacific Asia Museum.

Most importantly, don't forget to try out to be Queen of the Doo-Dah Parade.

More of the Strike

John Edwards comes out for the writer's strike. I guess he's still trying to focus on his 'working class roots'.