Thursday, February 28, 2008

Save a Budget, Volunteer!

The Governator announced yesterday a new cabinet level office of volunteering.

That way next time there's a fire, we won't need firefighters. Which is good, since we won't be able to afford them.

Just a super plan.

Stay in School, Drive a Tank

Here is the video of the Governator detailing his plan to let schoolkids drive his recently returned tank.

Yes, tank.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Does Lloyd Levine Have an Apprentice?

In a bill that seems like it must have come from the always file of Lloyd Levine, Assemblyman Bill Maze is proposing legislation to make it illegal for drivers to keep pets in their laps.

Maze also voted against the bill that will ban hand-held cell phones. Cause, you know, he didn't think it was the government's place to tell drivers things like that.

Apparently, he's going to need more practice, if he wants to follow in Levine's footsteps.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What? Policy talk in a presidential election?

This is crazy - there's an op-ed in the Times today about Clinton's and Obama's healthcare proposals and how they both might be missing the mark. I'm going to take a break from reading about Obama calling on Hill to Chill and from their war about photos of him in Kenya to point y'all toward something of substance. Stick with me, you might learn something

Monday, February 25, 2008

LA Has the Best Tap Water

LA has the best tap water??

Strange, but true. Maybe I should start drinking out of the toilet bowl too.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lloyd Levine has Done it Again

Lloyd Levine has another brilliant idea. Let's have state online gambling.

Levine is calling for a bill to investigate whether it's legal for California to have online gambling.

This would mean a study of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) to determine if a single state poker site could be legal. He suggested that such a site could be beneficial to the state. If run by the states governor it could contribute to the states finances.

I'm sure it'll be legal if the online server is located in a tribe. Or something else stupid.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

That Whole Budget Thing

The LA Times also reports on the legislative analyst's report on the budget.

It turns out the budget shortfall is really $16 billion instead of $14.5. And *gasp* we might need to actually raise taxes!

The non-partisan analyst criticized the Governator's claim that this is just a spending problem and that it can be solved by the across the board 10% cuts. Also, stop paying the correctional officers more!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The LA Times reports on efforts to deregulate the energy utilities.

If you understand most of this story, you got something on me.

But what I do know is that deregulation was what got us in trouble 8 years ago. So re-deregulation seems like a good idea now?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Stop Smoking Already

In an attempt to stop teen smoking (cause once you're 19 it's cool to smoke?) Long Beach is instituting a tobacco seller fee.

I don't know, but from what I learned in economics taxing the suppliers wasn't really a way to cut off demand.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm back!

Sorry to be gone so long. My computer died, my boss let me go, I had a root canal. All true, take your pick.

To make up for it: here is the list of superdelegates in California.

Now, if you have a big preference between Obama and Clinton, start your stalking.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Like a pissed off city or college, Hillary dumps coach after losing seaon


Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton replaced campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle with longtime aide Maggie Williams today, engineering a shake-up in a presidential campaign struggling to overcome rival Sen. Barack Obama's financial and political strengths. . . .

Campaign aides said Solis Doyle made the decision to leave on her own and was not urged to do so by the former first lady or any other senior member of the team. But it comes as Clinton struggles to catch Obama in fundraising and momentum and faces the prospect of losing every voting contest yet to come in February.

Oh my. Well, nothing screams a lack of confidence like changing the line-up after a rough weekend, right? Not sure why making such a change public (if it could even be kept quiet) is a GOOD thing to do, morale-wise, but if the status quo seems to no longer be working, guess something has to be done.


So while trying to check on news about the writers' strike on the LAT website, I was dismayed to find a live ticker giving Grammy results. That's cute. Except it isn't airing yet, so, THANKS LAT, you've saved me having to watch the coverage. CBS's advertisers thank you for your help.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Keep Up

I love blog toys. Use this to keep track as the action unfolds. Or just wait until tomorrow morning and check the headlines. You know, like, whatever.

By the Way

In case, the election made anyone forget, by the way they'll be deciding on the San Onofre Beach toll road tomorrow. You know, when everone's hungover from election night.