Tuesday, March 4, 2008

There may be 1000 oaks in the 4th district, but not THAT 1000 oaks

So Thousand Oaks State Senator Tom "I hate you and your liberal spending you Reep bastards" McClintock is expected to announce his candidacy for the 4th Congressional District seat. I suppose he's just following in Dan Lungren's footsteps, right?

Congressional seats, like all districts, are numbered from north to south, starting with "1" in the north. McClintock is currently the Senator from District 19. He's now running for CD 4. 19 vs. 4. And yet, not one word in the article about the geographic disparity.

There's no residency residency requirement, if memory serves, for congressional races. But shouldn't there be a logic requirement? Commenters to the news story linked above drop the word "carpetbagger" several times, yet the reporter never mentions it. How can you write a piece about a SoCal senator running for a NorCal seat without mentioning that he's a SoCal Senatory and this is a NorCal seat?

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